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Within the meaning of the Swiss Financial Services Act (FinSA), Peaceinvest (“PI”) acts as “Financial Service Provider”, carries out “Designated Investment Business” to bring about and arrange “Financial Instruments” as referred to Article 2 of FinSA, through its FinSA registered Client Advisers. Peaceinvest SA is not authorised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and does not hold client’s money directly and does not exercise any discretion of its own.
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- Kindly check you qualify as a Institutional or Professional Client as the case maybe at the following website(s). https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/2019/758/en https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/2019/759/en Should you not meet the requirements of an Institutional or Professional Client please disregard all information herein.
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Contact Peaceinvest SA:
Peaceinvest SAChemin des Mines 2
1202 Geneva
Email: info@peaceinvest.net